Bite Somebody by Sara Dobie Bauer: Cover Match


Welcome to “Styled by Books” — a brand new feature here at Novel Novice, where we share fashion inspired by some of our favorite books. (Or at least the most stylish books!)

This feature was inspired, at least in part, by the fact that I recently received a review book in the mail — and just so happened to be wearing a matching outfit the day it arrived. (Total coincidence, I swear!) I shared the photo on Facebook, and a friend thought it would make a great recurring blog post — and I wholeheartedly agreed.

Thus, “Styled by Books” was born. And to kick things off, we’re starting with the book-outfit combo that inspired it all:

Bite Somebody by Sara Dobie Bauer

Here’s a side-by-side look at the cover & my matching outfit:

Bite Somebody Bite Somebody - Sara

Here’s a breakdown of my outfit:

The dress is from eShakti — my absolute FAVORITE place to buy dresses & cute clothes. They offer sizes from 0-36W, or for just $9.95 you can get the dress made to your exact custom measurements. (I ALWAYS pay for this feature – it’s SO worth it.) That $9.95 customization fee also lets you make other optional changes to the piece: neckline, hem length, sleeves, etc. The options vary piece-to-piece, but I love having the flexibility to really make each piece my own, for a really affordable price point.

ALSO: ALL THEIR SKIRTS & DRESSES HAVE POCKETS. Pockets! There is nothing greater than a dress with pockets!

If you’re a new customer, use my referral link here and you’ll get $40 off your first order!

My hair clip is actually from JoAnn Fabrics, believe it or not. They actually have a pretty cute selection of hair accessories! Some are meant to be glued onto clips, headbands, etc., but many — including this one — come with the clip already attached. And they’re really affordable. I think this one cost me about $3.

And that’s it! A pretty simple look — but I just so happened to be matching the Bite Somebody book cover. We’ll be back with more book-inspired fashion soon.

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