Another kind of anniversary today …

We're in the midst of celebrating our 5-year-anniversary here at Novel Novice right now, but today is another major milestone for me ... it's my one-year wedding anniversary! Photos by May Gunsul Photography Exactly one year ago today, my husband & I tied the knot at Timberline Lodge on Oregon's Mt. Hood, and what a... Continue Reading →

Book Blog Detour: Wedding Photos!

As most of you probably already know, I got married earlier this year (!!!!) -- and my husband and I just recently received all of our wedding photos back from our photographer, the amazing May Gunsul Photography. So I wanted to take a brief detour from book blogging today to share some of our favorite... Continue Reading →

A Bookstore Proposal

If you've been wondering why I've been such a slacker on my blogging duties lately (no Saturday Posts, late announcing contest winners, less time on Twitter, etc.) ... well, there's a good reason. Two reasons, actually. One, I got a new job which I love SO much more than my old daily grind producing morning... Continue Reading →

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