7 YA Books Perfect for Back to School

back to school graphic

As the school year fast approaches (and in some cases, has already begun), most students are preparing for the onslaught of required reading. But if you can squeeze in some books of your own choosing, here are 7 books perfect to get you in the mood for back to school.

tragedy paper, theThe Tragedy Paper by Elizabeth Laban

This hauntingly-written portrait of a school-year mystery is an enchanting read. Exploring the true-meaning of a tragedy in this dual-voiced novel, The Tragedy Paper is a fascinating portrayal of first love and tragic loss.

isla and the happily ever afterIsla & the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins

Perkins’ latest romance is all about going back to school (at the School of America in Paris!!!) and a blossoming new relationship. Swoon over Josh and Isla’s whirlwind romance, then plot your own path to true love for the coming school year.

fangirlFangirl by Rainbow Rowell

Especially perfect for the college-bound, Fangirl follows university freshman Cath as she searches for a way to fit-in socially with her new classmates, while struggling to find her way in her writing class amidst the pressure of a fandom collectively waiting for the finale to her epic fan fiction, based on a book series thinly-veiled as a Harry Potter-esque franchise. This book embodied my feelings as a college freshman.

ten miles past normalTen Miles Past Normal by Frances O’Roark Dowell

High school freshman Janie finds herself trying to figure out the best way to fit in, while still being herself in this charming, and freshly-told coming of age story. Unique characters and quirky traits make this an enchanting and honest read.

edumacation of jay baker_final coverThe Edumacation of Jay Baker by Jay Clark

Clark’s irreverent and hilariously-written story perfectly captures the high school experience. Written in one of today’s freshest voices, The Edumacation of Jay Baker is an honest, engaging and heartfelt portrayal of high school life, and one teen’s experience balancing a shattering home life and blossoming romance.

take a bow paperbackTake a Bow by Elizabeth Eulberg

Chronicling the lives of four teens at a prestigious fine and performing arts school, Take a Bow captures all the stress, drama, and rewards of senior year. Even readers who haven’t participated in arts programs will appreciate the pressure and competition Eulberg describes throughout the novel. It takes the challenges of high school and adolescence to an entirely new level.

hexhallHex Hall by Rachel Hawkins

If you want your school experience a little less normal and a little more paranormal, then Hex Hall is for you. The first novel in Hawkins’ series features Sophie first year at a reform school for wayward kids with magical powers. It has all the things most students deal with: classroom responsibilities, parental pressure, and friendships … all mixed in with a dash of the supernatural.

For the comments: What other YA books do you think are perfect for back to school reading?

3 thoughts on “7 YA Books Perfect for Back to School

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  1. I totally think Winger by Andrew Smith is great for back to school! I haven’t read any of these ones but my friends have said that they’re pretty good! Especially Hex Hall!

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