Books That Scare the $#&! Out of You: The Shining

When it comes to scary books, no one is more masterful at the craft of horror-writing than the one and only Stephen King. I admit, I’ve been a fan of King’s writing for many years — and I admire the way he can bounce back and forth between writing popular horror novels and masterful, very literary pieces. I know sometimes he gets a bad rep among the “literary” community, but I doubt anyone who criticizes his work has actually read any of his books. Stephen King is an incredibly gifted writer and a master storyteller.

And while I admire and revere some of his more masterful books (The Stand and Lisey’s Story among them) — nothing will scare the crap out of you more than his classic horror novel The Shining.

Now, if you’ve seen the movie version starring Jack Nicholson … you have NO idea what this book is really about. It’s one of the poorest movie adaptations I’ve ever seen. (However, if you want to see a cinematic portrayal, the mini series starring Steven Weber and Rebecca De Mornay is terrifyingly accurate. And it should be, since King himself worked extensively on it.)

If you don’t know, The Shining tells the story of Danny — a five year old with the gift of “shining” — that is, he’s clairvoyant and sensitive to supernatural forces. Danny moves with his parents to the Overlook Hotel in Colorado, where his father Jack will be the winter caretaker. All alone and isolated in the mountains for the winter, strange things begin happening at the hotel — and it soon becomes clear that the hotel has an energy and a mind all its own. Meanwhile, Jack begins acting stranger and more violent — until Danny realizes its the hotel possessing his father and making him act out in evil ways.

The book is filled with suspense and horrifying imagery that make it a difficult book to read before bed. (I eventually gave up, and only read this book in the comfort of daylight and a crowded home!) But despite the scare factor, The Shining tells a really great story — and has some extremely colorful and powerful characters, none more so than Danny, who proves he has more strength than most adults with the courage and adeptness he must use to overcome the horrors he encounters at the Overlook.

For the comments: Are you a fan of Stephen King? Which of his books is your favorite?

3 thoughts on “Books That Scare the $#&! Out of You: The Shining

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  1. This is one of my all time favorite scary novels! My dad is a big Stephen King fan, so every October he would read this to my sister and I. I was one of those kids who weren’t really scared, but fascinated.

  2. I have a love hate relationship with Stephen King. Some books I love, others I can’t finish! I loved loved loved The Shining tho! Scary, suspenseful and strong characters. Great book. I also loved The Stand, but I couldn’t finish The Tommyknockers.

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