Kami Garcia: “My Top 5 Fandoms”

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As we celebrate our October Book of the Month, we asked Unmarked author Kami Garcia to share with us the top 5 fandoms that she adores. We LOVE that Kami is also a fellow fangirl … even while we, ourselves, are fangirls of her work. Here are Kami’s picks:

star warsStar Wars

Star Wars was the first fandom I fell in love with, long before fandom was a term. I remember standing in line to see the first movie and deciding I was going to marry Han Solo by the time I left the theater. For me, Star Wars is the perfect example of the hero’s journey, unforgettable characters, and a villain who is as complex as the hero.

buffyBuffy the Vampire Slayer

I’m a die-hard Buffy fan. I have my own replica stake, my dogs are named Spike & Oz, and one of the most exciting moments of my life was meeting Spike (James Marsters) at Montreal Comic-Con. He narrated my friend Melissa Marr’s audiobook, and she was nice enough to take me with her to meet him—though she did request that I keep it the fact that I named my dog after him to myself. I love stories in which very different people have to come together in order to defeat an uber-powerful adversary. Buffy is the perfect example, and the group dynamic was a huge inspiration for the Legion.


Sam and Dean. Need I say more? For those of you who are unfamiliar with the show: angels, demons, a Chevy Impala, classic rock—and did I mention two hot brothers—equal a show and fandom made of win. In case my fan status is still in question, I have a life-sized standee of Dean in my office and a replica of Ruby’s knife made by Gil Hibben, who designed all the weapons for The Expendables.

VampireOriginals-featureThe Vampire Diaries/The Originals

Did I mention my love of hot brothers? In case Sam and Dean are a little too human for you, I give you Stefan and Damon: hot vampire brothers. One of my favorite things about The Vampire Diaries is the combination of vampires, werewolves, witches, and vampire hunters— because in the end, why choose just one? Damon and Caroline are my favorite characters, and it’s not just because Candice Accola narrated the UNBREAKABLE audiobook (though that was a fangirl request of mine). And I never thought I’d love a bad boy as much as Damon… until I met Klaus.

o-GAME-OF-THRONES-facebookGame of Thrones

Game of Thrones is the ultimate epic fantasy, complete with swordfights, intrigue, magic (dragons, anyone?), complex characters you’ll love (or love to hate), and a plot with twists you’ll never see coming. In the sprawling world of Westeros, people are never what they seem and no one is safe—two of the reasons why I love the books and the show. Game of Thrones also provides plenty of great catchphrases, like “winter is coming” and “fire and blood.”

In case there are any other fangirls & fanboys out there, be sure to check out my Pinterest boards for all of these fandoms: GoT, TVD, Star Wars, Buffy, and SPN (and lots more).

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