Profile: Kami Garcia, co-author of Beautiful Creatures

We asked Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl, authors of Beautiful Creatures, to tell us a bit about themselves. Rather than doing a formal interview — or writing another boring bio — they each sent us a list of fun facts!

Today, we’re featuring Kami Garcia:

I like to make lists.  It’s a fact.  And I’m not crazy about interviews, because they never answer the questions I want to know, like Stefan or Damon?  The Beatles or Black Sabbath?  Three things you would never admit you do? So here goes, my life lists.

1. Coke or Pepsi? DIET Coke.

Note:  I don’t actually think these two beverages are actually similar enough to be compared in the first place.

2. Stefan or Damon? If you’re unfamiliar with the reference, I’m talking about the brothers in The Vampire Diaries.  The answer: Damon – no contest.

Rationale: Damon is hotter (I know, this is subjective).  He is wiling to risk anything to unearth the woman he loves from an underground tomb.  He has loved the SAME woman for a hundred plus years.

3. The answer to question #2 should make this one obvious: Angel or Spike?  Spike, every day of the week.

4. Favorite TV Shows of All Time: Kojak, Magnum PI, Hill Street Blues, Charlie’s Angels, The A-Team, The Twilight Zone, Millennium, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dawson’s Creek, Freaks & Geeks, Fringe, Criminal Minds & Sons of Anarchy.

5. Favorite Bands/Singers (in no particular order): Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Def Leppard, The Smiths, The Cure, Stevie Nicks, James Taylor, The Allman Brothers, Neil Diamond, Earth, Wind & Fire, Soundgarden, Pink, U2 & AC/DC.

6. I Will Always Behave Obsessively When Faced With: Disaster Movies, Oatmeal Cookie Dough, Tetris, Closet Organization, or the Search for the Perfect __________.

7. Sexiest Actors: Daniel Crag, Liam Neeson & Sam Elliot (Have you heard his voice?).

8. Things in Cupboard of My Nightstand: A handful of different charms (I’m crazy superstitious), two unfinished baby books (one for each of my kids), 4 YA books, 3 ARCs, a Snickers bar, a BEAUTIFUL CREATURES bookplate signed by Holly Black (don’t ask), a spray bottle of water for my naughty puppy, and a clock with the “real time,” (unlike the clock on my night stand that’s 15 minutes fast).

9. Things You Never Want to See Me Do: Sing, try to ride a bike, or lose my temper.

10. What I Value Most in People: Complete honesty at any cost, complete loyalty at any cost & fearlessness in the face of fear.

11. I’m Scared Of: Flying, snakes, horror movies (particularly if they involve demonic possession), heights & someone I love dying.

12.  You Would Never Catch Me: Walking under a ladder, in a morgue, touching a snake, helping a stranger load furniture into his white “Silence of the Lambs” van, walking away from someone who needs help… or

13.  Ending on #13.

14.  Thing I Know How to Do: Get out of the trunk of a car, make pies & biscuits from scratch, find the right book for any kid & talk my way out of a dangerous situation.

15.  Jobs I’ve Had: Waitress at a restaurant that required wait staff to sing “Happy Birthday” to patrons, maid for a speed cleaning service, nanny for a set of twins, contemporary artist/painter, 3rd grade teacher, reading specialist & writer.

16.  Favorite Authors: Flannery O’Connor, Harper Lee, Ray Bradbury, Tolkien, J.D. Salinger, Pablo Neruda & Anne Rice.

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Stop by tomorrow for our profile of Margaret Stohl!

See all of our features on Beautiful Creatures.

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